Walkabout with us! ;P

12 February 2010

And We're "back in business"

Hey everyone! Just writing a quick hello and minor update... So as wonderful as he is, Del picked up a mobile internet connection for me to help cure by down under blues being here all alone all day with no one to talk to. So, before I go to bed tonight I'll jot down a few notes for everyone.

Del is keeping super busy at work getting things done and getting his new work computer working! We've been negotiating with the public transportation system and doing alright with it, but it does get expensive... $3.70 (that's three dollars seventy in Aussie lingo) for a 2-hour pass. We've cooked our first real meal here, it was all vege spicy corn quesadillas and a failed attempt at refried beans, I called them refried soybeans since they didn't have pinto beans at our supermarket. Of course, we had rice with it. Pretty good for a first attempt. Unfortunately, cheese out here is weird, it just has an odd under-taste in my opinion, but Del loves it. I've got 2 pics from our meal, I forgot to take it before I started eating, but it still looks good... I think.

We had a huge thunderstorm here yesterday, it was awesome! The thunder rumbles constantly and is like 95% thunder to 5% without... but right after lightning, the thunder gets really loud and shakes the whole flat. I saw a huge bolt that streaked from above the building all the way across the down to the horizon behind the city of Melbourne (pronounced Mel-bun here - the R is silent essentially). It was a nice storm until it rained inside for me... I forgot to close the kitchen window and the rain was blowing right at it, I had a huge puddle all the way to my fridge and the water leaked down into the cabinets, good thing we didn't have much food yet hahaha. The best was I had just finished mopping like 20 mins before the rain started. I went out to take a video and stopped filming just as the sky opened up a down pour on me, so I forgot in my photo efforts... and only one shot was worth it... the video. FAIL! But it was neat, I'll drop some photos on for that soon.

Our apartment is still a little spartan, we have a beanbag chair, a couple end tables and 2 ottomans. We're still sleeping on the mattress mat on the floor, but we'll be picking up our couch and bed soon, probably after our trip to Canberra this weekend. Those pics are also soon to come. OH and Canberra (pronounced Can-bra) is located in the state of New South Wales. Sydney is also located there. Sydney is the state capital and Canberra is capital of the country.

Well, this just got longer than I had intended, but anyway, I've left you guys with 2 pics of our first home-made meal in Australia. I've never used Cumin before, but it was an experience I'll never forget, and I'll pick up that smell forever.

Finishing thoughts, if you haven't already, sign up to follow our blog so you get the newest bloggie-dates and feel free to leave comments for any of our entries. We would definitely love to hear your thoughts (and thank you to anyone who already has, you rock!) and feelings about anything we write or show. We love and miss you all greatly! Ta!

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